What is Balance?

Balance is the connection you have to yourself. It is the way of connecting to your own understanding of your Body and Mind as one. There is Balance in Life and it seems to be important to our happiness. There are things that are marketed as balance inducing substances that have little to do with balance and much to do with marketing. Strength and stamina are very important to health. However programs that enhance strength and stamina are not one size fits all. This is where Balance is key. To know how your body reacts to gym workouts and strength training is super important. Everyone has a different type of body and different type of genetic makeup. There is not one physical body that is the same as the next, thus one physical workout is not the same body to body. If you have a history of certain things in your genetic background actually certain physical activities, such as heavy punishing workouts can actually cause you more pain and cause degradation in your body over long periods of time. Strangely I went from being a full time Dancer where I danced sometimes 8 hours a day with classes and practices, in tip top shape at age 18 to someone with chronic joint issues - shoulders, knees, hips very quickly. I was lucky enough to find a type of movement just out of college called Unity in Motion. This was being taught at the time by Cristiam Nebadon in Santa Monica, California at The Center of the Form. At first I didn’t really understand what he was teaching but I knew that he was teaching freedom of movement and that was very important to me. I realized that I didn’t really have the understanding of how my body worked. I had taken human anatomy classes in college and understood something of muscles and bones etc. but I really didn’t understand this vehicle I called my body and ultimately myself. We are not given any guidance really about this vehicle, this body we are in. We are told to stand up and good posture is a long back, but there is not other guidance really. Unity in Motion and Cristiam Nebadon had answers to how this Form works. Cristiam showed us how to see the body and our consciousness through the lens of Three Dimensional Form. We know of course that we are Three Dimensional, but we generally don’t move in Three Dimensions. We generally push and pull and grab and do things in the most expedient way we can as humans. What I didn’t know was that there was another way to understand movement through Three Dimensional Geometry. Seeing the body in Three Dimensions opened my eyes to what was possible. To have the ability to move without grabbing my joints was a revelation. I found the ability to suspend and allow the curves of the spine to create the strength in my body. All of the work I had done until then was to be strong in my joints, to be strong in my muscles, innocently I had set up the pattern of strength and stamina that was causing my own pain. The understanding of the body as an Energetic Field of Movement that is constantly connected to itself moving in Three Dimensions changed everything for me. I found that I had just as much strength and energy moving as a whole being and less pain. That the support of the open spine and centering to the Earth assisted me to find the Balance I craved. So I realize that hard punishing workouts are not the only way to find strength and the results last a lifetime because the consciousness has made the shift to Balance.
