Unity in Motion the exploration of the Three Dimensional Self
I love Unity in Motion because it is a gentle form of movement that helped me to release may body and mind from old patterns of movement that caused me pain. The movements taught me how to open up the vertical line of my body, and also open up my joints so that my energy had free flow. Through the movements and teachings of Unity in Motion the bodies 19 energy centers open, the 7 vertical chakra energy centers from the base of the body to the crown, and then the energy centers of the 12 joints of the arms and the legs open so you are moving with the body completely open! It allows for extraordinary freedom of movement! The movements all have an element of being three-dimensional, having an above, below, forward, back and right and left aspect which gives expansive suspended movement!
Why Three Dimensional Movement?
Three Dimensional Movement is the key to keeping joints open while moving and suspending the body!! This can allow you to move without creating force on joints. The benefits of moving without holding your joints is that the body flows, there is freedom of movement, and therefore, more full body strength. Innocently many of us move, walk, and run without being fully centered in our bodies. Over time this can actually weaken, create pain and break down the body. Unity in Motion showed me how to use large muscle groups, so that when walking or running I was able to stay centered and use free flow to move, this helped me to avoid putting strain on my joints and lower back, letting the energy pass through my body without holding.
Unity in Motion in the Time of Corona Virus!
During this time of Corona virus, we are all experiencing what it means to not be able to breath well. Either from the virus its self, or from our increased anxiety about getting this virus! Unity in Motion is a great teaching for this time. The movements of Unity in Motion promote freedom of breath in the body! They are actually Consciousness Raising, as they help to guide the mind to understand openness and freedom and create a new way of relating to our bodies in Three-dimensional space. By opening up to this Three-dimensional space the body breaths better. The Mind, and Body work in tandem to express the Self through this type of movement. It is a rich and boundless study that allows for deep and profound change.